."Why you're fighting to a fool that sees red as blue and blue as red" … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I was blind … many, many times in front of the illusion of life.

I thought all was … real.

And that is the reason … why i was deciding to fight with many idiots.

… becoming an idiot too.

Same as all those weird humans … which were explaining me that blue was red … and red was blue.

All … ended bad.

… most of the times.

Unfortunately …. I couldn’t accept all what was going on … as a huge mistake.

… that i was into an illusion.

I was just experiencing the feeling that i am living the illusion … that i am part of an illusion.

Of course … i was wrong.

But … i’ve continued like that …. even if i could simple say to myself … “Yes … i was wrong. I must somehow find a way to disconnect from all … and everyone.”

I couldn’t.

And … it was worst … than that.

I was not even trying to do it.

I’ve understood … it was stupid to stay near all those

stupid people.

… argue and … fight with them …. even if i knew that the illogic was dominating them.

So … again … life continued.

I was aware of all was going on … realising … all is a huge mistake … but it was much easier to lie to myself that i am only living … the illusion of being part of an illusion.

Download the book ”The dark side … of the human being

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

Amazon — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DJH74F6C/ref=sr_1_2?crid=7GNBE779WMB8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.tMSwnofzb6kGE0HemgYvsGu4RcAGQSKB7nb2nMsHEqU.isu4_tPIgqhQRmoSF2x2GBfM7MTSiT6UjG1e7Hdb7WY&dib_tag=se&keywords=adrian+gabriel+dumitru+the+dark+side&qid=1728060172&s=books&sprefix=adrian+gabriel+dumitru+the+dark+si%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C171&sr=1-2

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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com

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